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Fundamentals Success

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2 Books in 1! - Q&A Course Review - NCLEX(R) prep Master the
fundamentals of nursing while honing your critical thinking and
test-taking skills. Completely revised and updated, the 3rd Edition of
this popular resource features more than 1,200 classroom-tested,
NCLEX-style questions that reflect the latest advances in medical
technology as well as the most recent guidelines and standards of care
for nursing practice. An easy-to-follow format organizes information
into 24 content areas. Each question provides answers and rationales for
correct and incorrect responses and strategies for how to develop your
critical thinking skills. For an interactive approach, use the BONUS
CD-ROM with two, 75 question course exit exams. "I honestly feel that
every incoming student nurse should have a copy of the Fundamentals
Success book because it familiarizes students with what their
fundamental tests will be like. Who wouldn't benefit from knowing what
their test is going to look like? Being prepared with Fundamentals
Success meant I hit the ground running. I aced my first test when most
of my classmates were facing their first ever academic failures. Nursing
school is nothing like anything I have ever done before, memorizing
text books will do little to prepare you to be a critical thinker. To
succeed you must be able to apply the knowledge in multi-step
process...the nursing process! The FA Davis books take you there and
they do it quickly, because we nursing students needed to know it
yesterday!" - Corrie Cyre, Hillsborough Community College Southshore
Student Nurses Association President

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