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Sophie, Rice And Fish

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Sophie, Rice and Fish  By Mark Hill

Stuck in a job he hates, madly smitten with a woman two decades his junior, racing helplessly into middle age and living in a world where vodka and orange juice is considered breakfast food, Mark Hill knows it's time to make a big life change.

He quits his job, stuffs a few clothes and some personal items into an old navy duffel bag, sends all of his other possessions to the bin or the charity shop and books a one-way ticket to Portugal.

In a small town slightly off the tourist trail he leaves the rat race behind, discovers a slower pace of life, comes to terms with unrequited love, develops a taste for fresh fish and eventually learns how to say "boa tarde."

Poignant, insightful and sometimes funny, Sophie, Rice and Fish is for anyone who’s ever thought "there has to be more to life than this."

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